Thursday, December 18, 2008


a bit of flamenco from the plaza mayor....she was sexy and the guys were badass


just some random pics from around town for you to look at...plenty more tomorrow!

ahhh...internet access again. time to catch you up.

So i have arrived safely in Madrid...stayed a few days with Angela and Bojan. A very fun few days with those two. and they are great and hospitable...but first things first; pictures from Copenhagen

As you can see in Copenhagen, everyone rides a bike EVERYONE...they have a bike for everything...quite amazing.

Ended up touring the city a bit with a guy named Victor i met at the american eniviromentalist that was passing through from a conference in Poland.

My Nordic breakfast to the left and my preflight American breakfast before leaving for madrid

So far so good.....

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Chicago, a hell of town...

So i arrived here a few days ago and just in time for a bitter cold week. nonetheless, it has been a great trip thus far.

of course i get to see lovely breana moeller.

took a tour of downtown, up to the top of sears tower to see just how fucking huge Chicago really is...

...hell of a view

pimping it...

also checked out some cool places to grub. brunch joint (huevos borrachos, fucking awesome) called m henry's, heavy metal &burgers at Kumas corner, brandade at Hot Chocolate.
considering how big this city really is, its amazing how accessible everything is. i am truly impressed with how cool this town is. its opening my eyes up to how much i have been missing out on the last few years...and i feel like i am definitely on the right track to finding whatever it is i am looking for.

i also saw a giant, polished, stainless steel bean...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Last night in Denver....The Thin Man of course

i think i will let the pictures do the talking....

all in all, i would say it was a pretty awesome evening.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Gearing up to go...

So I guess i still have like 2 days until I land in just Chicago....but I wanted to post anyway on this site. A step in the right direction!

Lucas and his wife Billie Jo came down from Loveland to visit before I left, which was an awesome surprise...needless to say a long evening of drinking, eating, and hilarity ensued.

Went to Il Posto with Giovanni, Jena, and Carmela. So a nice big group of six people in a damn near empty restaurant. Which was fine, more room for us to be drunk and rowdy!

also had lunch with the ktichen boys and jacqui at Domo...first time I had been there and it was pretty damn tasty I gotta say.

so i this is my first post of many....keep coming back and i will be posting pictures and stories for everyone to keep track of what i am doing!!