Sunday, December 7, 2008

Chicago, a hell of town...

So i arrived here a few days ago and just in time for a bitter cold week. nonetheless, it has been a great trip thus far.

of course i get to see lovely breana moeller.

took a tour of downtown, up to the top of sears tower to see just how fucking huge Chicago really is...

...hell of a view

pimping it...

also checked out some cool places to grub. brunch joint (huevos borrachos, fucking awesome) called m henry's, heavy metal &burgers at Kumas corner, brandade at Hot Chocolate.
considering how big this city really is, its amazing how accessible everything is. i am truly impressed with how cool this town is. its opening my eyes up to how much i have been missing out on the last few years...and i feel like i am definitely on the right track to finding whatever it is i am looking for.

i also saw a giant, polished, stainless steel bean...


  1. Isn't that round...globe..mirror thing fucking cool. I was playing at that a few weeks ago:)

  2. it is cooler than i thought it was going to be for sure...
